Sink Holes

Sweetest Diary,

I just heard that some unfortunate guy was sucked down into a sink  hole in Florida.   I’m not sure how, but I’m sure it’s Bush’s fault.

I feel so bad for the man who died and for his family.  I’m going to be sure to say prayers to the great monkey god Hanuman tonight on behalf of the guy’s family.

What to do about this sink hole epidemic?  I think I’m going to suggest to Harry Reid that we should make sink holes illegal.   After all, no one is quicker to act without thinking than Harry.  And if he fails, which would not surprise me at all,  maybe I could just use the EPA?  Maybe they could do something about it.  I don’t care if it means shutting down prosperous businesses;  If there is even an inkling of a sink hole under a building, it should immediately be condemned.  I have the constitutional duty to protect citizens from sink holes.  Thank the monkey god Hanuman that the founding fathers were smartified enough to put the sink hole clause in The Constitution, otherwise, nothing could be done about sink holes, ever.

With all my love,

Barry “The Most Awesomest President Ever!” Obama

Bob Woodword

Wo is me! :( :( :(

Bob Woodward is a big meanie pants! I thought that he was on my side and would say what I tell him to say to the stupid Americans just like the rest of the news media does. I think I oughtta review my back door deals with the other reporters and make sure that they spin Sorros’ propaganda as fact rather than report actual facts.

I’m not too worried though. I have most of the media on my side, except for that stupid Fox News. What a bunch of meanies!

I miss eating Twinkies at lunch.

Well, off to shoot hoops and smoke a cig.


Barry “The Most Awesomest President Ever!” Obama


Meeting WIth GOP About Sequestration

Most lovely diary,

Boy!  Sequestration is a really really hard word to spell.  And I don’t even know what it  means.  My puppet master told me to use the word to scare people.   I think it sequestration is when people are condemned to float in the middle of the ocean with no iPad so they get really really super bored.

Well, anyways, I met with the GOP leaders.

John Bayner smelled like cabbage.

The meeting didn’t go well. It only lasted seven minutes until I had to leave to get my nicotine fix. Oh well. At least I can honestly say that I tried meeting with the republicans.

Well, off to watch a re-run of Baywatch.

With love,
Barry “The Most Awesomest President Ever!” Obama

P.S. I’m not sure, but I think that Eric Canter might have ripped one in the meeting. He and Joe should get together.