Thank Goodness, John Boehner Is A Pansy

Beautiful Diary,

I didn’t get much sleep last night. I had nightmare about being inside a peach.

Yesterday, Sarah Palin, that white bred biddy, said she wants to inpeach me. I hate peaches! Hate ’em.

A picture of John Boner, looking like a jackass coward and traitor.

John Boehner, the coward and traitor

I gave a sigh of relief this morning. John Boner says he’s not going to inpeach me. Sara said that all the illegals coming into the country was the last straw and Boner said he disagreed. That makes me wonder, what is the last straw for Boner? I wonder how far I can push these guys. Hmmm . . . . . .

It never seezes to amaze me how many cowards are in the republican party.


Barry “The Most Awesomest President Ever!” Obama

Illegal Immigrants and Peaches

A photo of Barack Hussein Obama wiping away his tears

BHO cries

Most loveliest diary in the whole wide wide world,

Why do people hate me so badly? I’m the prez! People are suppose too like me and likes what I do. I don’t get it. It’s not fair! :( :( :( ;(

I’m letting all these “illegals” in becuase its the right thing to do for the country. tee partiers, libertyariens, and other wack o’s who are so in love with the constitution are slowing progress down! They are such big cry babies, “We want guns, we want to be left alone, we don’t want to pay high taxes, we like freedom. Waaa waaa waaaa” What a bunch of weenies!

Anyhoo, once all these “illegals” are in place and vote for democrats, we will be able to move the country forward, get rid of guns, regulate the 1st ammendmant, and then my plan will be in high gear to make this country pay for colonial sins. Damn pilgrim puritans.

This will be good for everyone.

And i think it is totally not cool that Sarah Palin wants to inpeach me. I don’t even like eating peaches, so I’m absolutely not going to like beeing in one. I did like the book “James and the Giant Peach” though . It would have been better though if James shared the peach with everyone instead of just his friends. Greedy SOB.


Bary “The Most Awesomest President Ever!” Obama